With only the hint(?) given below, can you guess 'whatz there' before
you try? Scribe I, subject = 'Cryptic'. A starting hint: These are all
fun spots...or maybe information.... or surprizes that
YOU wouldn't
expect to see on the Internet.... hmmmm, I've seemed to forgot.....
:-) Hey, go and have some fun anyway!
"Happy trails to you until we meet again"
We the Carnovorious.....
Rapa Nui
"Everything you need to work the web"
AHH... A fool and their money
"Mother Smothers Favorite Web Site"
Nee, Na, and Nu!
Attention: Back to Now
The Clan after You
Ambiguous Propositions
Instant Noodle Instructions
Hiding in Plain Sight [NEW]
-= "the ruby red slippers..." =-